Populus Training Services
Improving People & Business Performance

Services - How We Do What We Do
How we do what we do is important, because there are other training organisations to choose from.
And this is what stands out for us.
People always feedback and say that our sessions are some of the best they've ever been involved with.
"Our client testimonials reflect very clearly how effective we are"
We are exceptional at running highly interactive and, engaging sessions. We go deep very quickly, and our sessions are full of examples and activities that bring the training to life.
We build connections immediately, and our focus is always on generating exceptional outcomes for every person.
We love what we do, so every day is another exciting opportunity to have a positive impact.
Richard & Kelly Klein Ovink
Here's 'how' we do what we do..........

Bespoke Team Training
Bespoke Team Training
Highly tailored sessions to your team and business.
A vast list of topics and possibilities for all teams:
Sales, Management, People Skills, Customer Service, Communication, Team Building, Marketing, Technical, Factory Floor, Operations & More.
Our constant feedback from clients and staff is that our sessions are easily one of the best training sessions they've experienced. Exceptional delivery, on point and fresh content, and highly engaging and interactive.
We hold ourselves accountable to deliver high level training every time.​

What Nina said about our training..............
"Thank you Kelly, the course was exceptionally useful to us, role plays brought the examples to life and everyone took great learnings away."
Nina Hassall - Senior Manager, Cusomter Solutions - Westpac

Open Zoom Short Courses
Open Zoom Short Courses
Have a training need with one or two of your team?
Open group workshops delivered via Zoom - Easy, effective & cost effective.
Sales, Management, People Skills, Customer Service, Communication, Team Building, Marketing, Technical, Factory Floor, Operations & More.
Never in my life did I think that Zoom training could be successful.......but through these times we've developed and now discovered they can be amazing............ Staff who loathed Zoom meetings have finished a two day Zoom session and loved the whole experience.
Staff love our Zoom sessions!​

What Dean said about our training.....................
"We have used Richard and Kelly for training & personal development of our Sales Team and our Retail Sales Customers for over 8 years, and one of the best things about working with them is their ability to quickly establish rapport with the groups they are working with. This allows for key messages and learning to be transferred with ultimate affect to their audience".
Dean Chandler - GM NZ Sales - Cavalier Bremworth

Coaching & Mentoring
Coaching & Mentoring
Possibly one of the most effective ways of generating change, growth, and development.
Coaching programs are specific, ongoing, and generate exceptional results.​
Sales, Management, People Skills, Customer Service, Communication, Team Building, Marketing, Technical, Factory Floor, Operations & More.
We've mentored and coached hundreds of people over the last 14 years and have developed a unique ability and skill to generate long-lasting change. Our clients love & look forward to their sessions with us.
Deal with real-life business issues as they arise!​

What Danielle said about our coaching and mentoring..............
“Richard has been business coaching me for approximately a year now, and has continued to provide me with knowledgeable, thorough, and helpful training sessions. I have been able to confidently take my learnings and apply them to my business environment, giving me the opportunity to upskill in my management role, and learn new things. The coaching is always very targeted and appropriate, which helps to assist me in my day to day activities. I credit Richard for my successes, and look forward to continuing our coaching sessions.”
Danielle Ware - Office Manager & Marketing - Waterware

Online Training
Online Training
Our online training, what is it?
It's Videos, Workbooks, Quick Tips, Tests, Manager Guides & Support Material​
It's Equivalent to 40+ Days of Workshop Training
It's 2500 + Pages of Workbook Content
It's 100's of Video Training Modules
100's & 100's of New Training Skills & Behaviours
Developed In New Zealand Including World Best Practice Content
Successful In Business Skills Training For Decades
Operating In Online Training For Over 10 years
This is our most cost-effective training option.
Enjoy the effort we've put in to create this online flexible learning experience.​

What Mark said about our online training.................
"We’ve used much American training material as well as European. Training on Demand uses quality training material developed overseas and here, delivered here with NZ emphasis. It’s quick and easy to absorb and has immediate impact."
Mark Winnard - Past General Manager Distribution - Steel and Tube

Business Strategy Facilitation
Business Strategy Facilitation
Guiding and empowering teams through the strategy process.
Business Strategy, Mission, Vision, Values, and Your Why.​
We've been assisting businesses for years through a highly professional structure to determine key leadership direction and principles.
Our sessions are all about practical outcomes. These sessions generate practical next steps for making the session outcomes a reality in each business.
Know where you're business is going, what's important to you, and the values you make decisions on.

What Adam said about our strategy session.................
"Thank you Richard for opening up your office to us. Your strategic facilitation & input has been invaluable to us and our journey."
Adam Yearly - Director - Waterware

Personality Profiling
Personality Profiling
We co-ordinate online assessments & can help facilitate debrief sessions
Extended DISC Certified.​
We've completed 1000's of assessments across many businesses helping with understanding more about personalities, including one-off individual sessions or team profiling.
We've built a session around the Extended DISC assessment which is dynamic and revealing. Each participant comes away motivated and excited about learning more of who they are and more about others.
A great way to build your team. Also an excellent starting point for any personal or business development.

What Ben said about our personality session.................
"Thanks, Richard & Kelly for an exceptional session. Every person learned so much about themselves and they will value and use this newfound learning for the rest of their lives ."
Ben Buckley - Programme Manager - C Salt

Sales Conferences
Sales Conferences
Do you need some external input in your sales conference?
A dynamic communications session.​
We've been involved with running sessions within Sales Conferences delivering entertaining and engaging communications sessions.
It's fun, it's vibrant, and full of practical learning. Your team are safe with us and clients have loved the professional delivery.
A great way to add value, excitement, and motivation to leave a lasting impression.

What Caroline said about our training...................
Though I have done many different training courses......
David Forman, Dale Carnegie, Tom Hopkins and others - The Populus training was by far the best because it was immediately usable with effect!
Caroline Taege - Versatile Homes & Buildings

Business Mentoring
Business Mentoring
Sometimes in quite a lonely world of business ownership, you can easily lose sight of the 'wood from the trees.'
Business assistance for any owner dealing with today's issues and looking forward to the future.​
We've worked with owners to help be a guide, support and focus them on their 'what's important. Growing revenue and making the business ownership journey a rewarding and fulfilling one.
We have the fullest and utmost respect for anyone in business. It's not easy, and there are so many areas that can trip you up.
We're here to help. And we do!

What Stefan said about our business mentoring...................
Richard, you have helped me a lot and I'm really grateful. I've achieved my business and personal goals in such a short timeframe.
Stefan White - White Builders - Director

Bespoke Zoom Sessions
Bespoke Zoom Sessions
Certainty in an uncertain time is invaluable.
These Zoom sessions can proceed every time no matter what.​
We've now a number of clients who use our Zoom training sessions in an ongoing format. Each participant can dial in from where ever they are.
And these sessions are nothing like any of the dull boring Zoom meetings most people have experienced. All our participants say they're engaging, entertaining and the time goes by so quickly
Our Zoom training is becoming the most exciting offering we have! No restrictions.

What Brendon said about our recent Zoom session...................
Thank you for this great, brilliant session today. We all got plenty out of it and are certainly looking forward to next months.
Brendon Sutton - Sales & Marketing Manager - Viking Roofspec